
 DevOps is a set of practices that automates the processes between software development and IT teams, in order that they can build, test, and release software faster and more reliably. The concept of DevOps is founded on building a culture of collaboration between teams that historically functioned in relative siloes. The promised benefits include increased trust, faster software releases, ability to solve critical issues quickly, and better manage unplanned work.

It’s a firm handshake between development and operations that emphasizes a shift in mindset, better collaboration, and tighter integration. It unites agile, continuous delivery, automation, and much more, to help development and operations teams be more efficient, innovate faster, and deliver higher value to businesses and customers.

The Key to extracting the best from your employees is by bringing a collaborative work culture and that’s where DevOps comes In. DevOps helps companies to focus on particular breakdown of the task at hand and aligns all the teams’ goals together for a successful deployment.

We at YourNXT, provides DevOps managed services where we help in automating the end to end product flow throughout the business, automating them along the way with continuous integration and create a flawless delivery flow.


AWS Cloud Infrastructure

  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Support
  • Cost Optimization

Docker & Kubernetes

  • Containers
  • Build once and run anywhere
  • Image registry Management
  • Zero downtime Infrastructure
  • Self Healing & Secure Infrastructure


  • Codify your Cloud Infrastructure
  • Save Time & Energy
  • Infrastructure as a Code


  • Home grown ETL Tool
  • Save Time & Energy
  • Auditing Enabled
  • Generic way to write Spark Code in JSON
  • Dependency Management